The Covid-19 reproduction number, also known as the r-factor, is currently 1.4, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday in…
The Covid-19 r-factor has climbed to 1.39 as daily cases continue to increase, statistician Vincent Marmara said in his…
75% ta’ dawk li japplikaw għall-akkomodazzjoni soċjali huma nisa. Din iċ-ċifra ġiet imħabbra f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet tal-Gvern hekk kif l-Awtorità tad-Djar…
Malta’s reproduction number has climbed to 1.21 after a record week of Covid-19 cases, statistician Vincent Marmara said in…
The Covid-19 r-factor has remained unchanged from last week and still stands at 0.9, statistician Vince Marmara said on this…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number is now below 1 after the number of cases found in the past week decreased significantly,…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction rate – also referred to as the r-factor – now stands at 1.25, statistician Vincent Marmara…
The number of new Covid-19 cases registered this past week again supersedes the number of patients who have recovered, but…
40% tal-Maltin huma kontra l-introduzzjoni tal-ewtanasja f’Malta, filwaqt li 35% huma favur. Dan ħareġ minn studju xjentifiku tal-istatistiku Dr Vincent…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number now stands at 1.55 after the number of cases found in the past week increased once…