Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number currently stands at 0.58, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday in his weekly…
After a week without new positive cases, Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has now dropped to below 0.2, statistician Vincent Marmara…
Only two new cases of Coronavirus were recorded in the past week, bringing down the reproduction rate to just 0.35,…
Malta’s COVID-19 reproduction number has dropped to 0.41 over the course of the last week, after the most positive week…
While this week saw a slight increase in new COVID-19 cases when compared to the previous week, the situation seems…
The reproduction rate of Covid-19 in Malta currently stands at 0.42, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday…
Analiżi oħra tal-eks Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat tkompli tixħet dawl fuq l-effetti tal-COVID-19 fuq l-andament ekonomiku ta’ Malta, in-nefqa tal-familji…
The weekly number of new cases of COVID-19 in Malta was at its lowest last week since the pandemic hit…
If the daily number of new Covid-19 cases in Malta remains sustained over the coming days, then it would…
The effective reproduction ratio for Covid-19 in Malta stands at 0.65, but this week is a pivotal one to…