What happened this week with regard to the Covid-19 situation in Malta was similar to the previous week, statistician…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction rate – also known as the r-factor – has remained low at 0.26, statistician Vince Marmara…
President George Vella announced the setting up of Foundation for National Unity in his closing address delivered during the ‘State…
Waqt laqgħa nazzjonali ta’ ġurnata li qed issir illum fil-Palazz Verdala taħt il-patronċinju tal-President ta’ Malta u bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Uffiċċju tal-President,…
Aktar minn 60% tal-Maltin li pparteċipaw fl-Istat tan-Nazzjon huma kuntenti bil-ħajja li għandhom, bil-maġġoranza assoluta ta’ żgħażagħ ta’ bejn is-16…
Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Bernard Grech will be addressing Malta’s first-ever state of the nation conference…
Over 70% of Maltese and Gozitans said they plan their lives while 29% said they live on a day-to-day basis.…
Sixty per cent of the Maltese population say they are happy with their lives, while only 17.3% of people sometimes…
Il-President ta’ Malta George Vella żar l-aħħar tħejjijiet li qed isiru għal-Laqgħa fuq Livell Nazzjonali dwar ‘L-Istat tan-Nazzjon’ li se…
The Coronavirus reproduction rate in Malta has decreased further to 0.25, statistician Vincent Marmara said. In his weekly blog…