The Covid-19 r-factor has climbed to 1.39 as daily cases continue to increase, statistician Vincent Marmara said in his…
75% ta’ dawk li japplikaw għall-akkomodazzjoni soċjali huma nisa. Din iċ-ċifra ġiet imħabbra f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet tal-Gvern hekk kif l-Awtorità tad-Djar…
Malta’s reproduction number has climbed to 1.21 after a record week of Covid-19 cases, statistician Vincent Marmara said in…
The Covid-19 r-factor has remained unchanged from last week and still stands at 0.9, statistician Vince Marmara said on this…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number is now below 1 after the number of cases found in the past week decreased significantly,…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction rate – also referred to as the r-factor – now stands at 1.25, statistician Vincent Marmara…
The number of new Covid-19 cases registered this past week again supersedes the number of patients who have recovered, but…
40% tal-Maltin huma kontra l-introduzzjoni tal-ewtanasja f’Malta, filwaqt li 35% huma favur. Dan ħareġ minn studju xjentifiku tal-istatistiku Dr Vincent…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number now stands at 1.55 after the number of cases found in the past week increased once…
New research carried out by Vincent Marmara shows that the opening of schools results in a reduction in the number…