Amidst a record spike in cases, Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has increased to 1.54 in the past week, statistician Vincent…
Amidst a record spike in cases, Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has from 1.18 to 1.52 in the past week,…
Hekk kif għaddew disa’ xhur minn mindu Robert Abela nħatar Prim Ministru, IT-TORĊA kkummissjonat studju xjentifiku mingħand l-istatistiku Vincent Marmara. Minnu…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has once again risen above 1 in the past week, now standing at 1.18, statistician…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has decreased to below 1 in the past week, now standing at 0.85, statistician Vincent Marmara…
81.9% ma jaqblux li f’Malta jidħol l-abort Minn Maria Azzopardi 81.9% tal-persuni ma jaqblux li f’Malta jidħol l-abort, filwaqt li…
Malta will, in the coming weeks continue to experience cycles where Covid-19 cases increase and decrease, according to statistician Vince…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has once again exceeded 1 in the past week, now standing at 1.28, statistician Vincent Marmara…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has increased in the past week, but remains below 1 at 0.98, statistician Vincent Marmara told…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has dropped below 1 for the first time in a month, now standing at 0.86, statistician…