Malta’s COVID-19 reproduction factor has decreased to 1.39 after a decrease in cases of the virus over the past week,…
Malta’s current Covid-19 reproduction number stands at 1.55, statistician Vincent Marmara said in his exclusive weekly video blog with The…
Dawk li vvotaw lill-PN b’opinjoni kontra Minn CARMEN CACHIA Studju li sar fil-bidu ta’ din ix-xahar juri li l-maġġoranza tal-Maltin…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has now risen up to 1.5, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday in…
Stħarriġ tal-opinjoni pubblika kkummissjonat mit- TORĊA juri li l-Partit Laburista għandu l-appoġġ ta’ kważi 56% tal-elettorat – żieda ta’ punt…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has now exceeded 1, and stands at 1.39, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on…
Malta’s reproduction number for the COVID-19 pandemic currently stands at 0.91, however it may exceed 1 if the number of…
‘As long as cluster is followed, contact tracing is done, then situation will be kept under control’
As long as a cluster of positive Covid-19 cases is followed and contact tracing is carried out effectively, then the…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number currently stands at 0.58, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday in his weekly…
After a week without new positive cases, Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction number has now dropped to below 0.2, statistician Vincent Marmara…