State of the Nation: Maltese people living more day by day, decline in loyalty to political parties
Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Friday he “is not comfortable” that a young woman...
Read MoreL-ISTAT TAN-NAZZJON: Terz tal-popolazzjoni f’sitwazzjoni finanzjarja agħar minn sena ilu
Terz tal-popolazzjoni ta’ pajiżna jinsabu f’sitwazzjoni finanzjarja agħar minn dik ta’ sena ilu. Fejn il-fattur...
Read MoreIl-President jappella biex dak li rriżulta minn ‘l-Istat tan-Nazzjon’ jintuża għall-ġid tas-soċjeta’
Fl-għeluq tal-konferenza dwar l-Istat tan-Nazzjon, il-President ta’ Malta, George Vella, tkellem dwar kif pajjiżna għaddej...
Read MoreRobert Abela ‘uncomfortable’ over abortion charges, calls for more debate
Prime Minister Robert Abela said on Friday he “is not comfortable” that a young woman...
Read MoreStħarriġ: Il-Maltin qed iqisu inqas l-opinjoni tal-partiti qabel ifasslu fehma
Stħarriġ dwar ‘L-Istat tan-Nazzjon’, li analizza kif tevolvi l-identità nazzjonali Maltija, sab li l-poplu...
Read MoreStħarriġ: 30% tal-Maltin talbu pjaċir lil xi politiku
Madwar 30% tan-nies li ħadu sehem fl-istħarriġ dwar ‘L-Istat tan-Nazzjon’, li analizza kif tevolvi...
Read MoreIt-televiżjoni l-aktar sors li jsegwu l-aħbarijiet minnu n-nies
77% tal-Maltin huma kuntenti b’ħajjithom – żieda ta’ 17% fost dawk intervistati fi stħarriġ...
Read MoreState of the Nation: party dominance reveals state carved by political, not citizens’ interests
President George Vella yesterday closed off a second, national conference from the State of the...
Read MoreMaltese population happier than last year but concerned with cost of living, survey finds
The recent State of the Nation survey conducted amongst 1,064 people above the age of...
Read MoreRed Alert: Way More Maltese People Feel Poorer Than They Did Last Year, Vincent Marmara Survey Finds
As inflation continues to soar, almost 30% of Maltese people have said they felt their...
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