80 years after Opera House bombing, public unhappy with open-air theatre
Most people are not happy with Valletta’s Pjazza Teatru Rjal and many prefer the original structure or...
Read MoreTwo in five feel they have no control over what they eat
Two in five people feel they do not have control over how much they eat...
Read MoreSurvey finds ‘no support’ for mandatory vaccinations, less consumption than expected
A survey carried out with 600 people found that there is ‘no support’ for...
Read MoreIl-maġġoranza trid li l-aħbarjiet fuq l-istazzjonijiet tal-partiti jibqgħu
Il-maġġoranza assoluta tal-poplu Malti jemmnu li l-istazzjonijiet politiċi għandhom jibqgħu jxandru l-bulettini tal-aħbarjiet tagħhom. Waqt...
Read MoreOne in four bullied on social media, but most do not take action: survey study
A majority of people who are bullied on social media do nothing about it, a...
Read MoreIl-Maltin iqisu li Malta għandha rwol ikbar fil-Mediterran milli fl-UE
Il-Maltin iqisu li pajjiżna għandu rwol ikbar fir-reġjun tal-Mediterran milli fl-Unjoni Ewropea jew fl-isfera internazzjonali...
Read MoreTwo in three Maltese strongly support neutrality – survey
Around two-thirds of Maltese believe Malta’s neutrality is very important, especially when it comes to...
Read MoreStħarriġ Juri Kif Il-Maskra Hija Fost L-Aktar Miżuri Li L-Poplu Malti Jixtieq Li Tiġi Rilaxxata
Aktar kmien din il-ġimgħa ġiet ippublikata t-tielet edizzjoni ta’ nota ekonomika mill-Uffiċju ta’ Dr. Joseph...
Read MoreCovid vaccination has strengthened consumer confidence and increased spending power
The third report on the impact of Covid on the economy, both during and after...
Read MoreLess than half believe their lives will return to pre-Covid-19 normal – Marmara-Muscat report
Despite Malta’s high vaccination rates and exceptionally high efficacy, “less than half of respondents (to...
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